
11 de marzo de 2009 9:32 Publicado por El Perro Verde

¨Blind Melon - No Rain¨

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain
I like watchin' the puddles gather rain
And all I can do is just pour some tea for two
and speak my point of view
But it's not sane, It's not sane…

I just want some one to say to me
I'll always be there when you wake.
You know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today
So stay with me and I'll have it made.

And I don't understand why I sleep all day
And I start to complain that there's no rain,
And all I can do is read a book to stay awake
And it rips my life away, but it's a great escape

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain
you don't like my point of view
you think I'm insane
Its not's not sane……

¿Que simple es llevar una vida simple no?...jaja...Vivir solo cuesta vida. (P.R.)

1 Response to "Escape...escape...escape..."

  1. Anónimo Says:

    uhhhh ta loco como me gusta esa cancion!!
    "And all I can do is read a book to stay awake
    And it rips my life away, but it's a great escape
    Escape......escape......escape....." me pasa seguido, cuando quiero escaparme me entierro en un libro
    simple si no te complicas como yo por la minima boludez que se te cruce en el camino jaja me cuesta me cuesta!
    te veo mañana :)

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